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The Spiritual Exercises Of St. Ignatius Of Loyola

The full experience of the Spiritual Exercises can be experienced in two ways and both are described in the Annotations of the Spiritual Exercises. Engaging in the Spiritual Exercises is a very special, sacred experience.

THE 20TH ANNOTATION describes making the Spiritual Exercises apart from one’s familiar setting and one’s usual social and ministerial activities. This is an extended Directed Retreat for approximately 34 consecutive days and usually occurs in a retreat center.

The 19TH ANNOTATION RETREAT describes making the retreat in the midst of one’s daily life. The retreatant commits to daily prayer of approximately sixty minutes and a weekly, time to review one’s prayer as well as one’s day and an individual meeting with a director for approximately 34 consecutive weeks. Making the Spiritual Exercises according to the 19th Annotation accommodates people who are unable to go apart for an extended period of time.

Since the Spiritual Exercises are an intense experience, applicants usually have made several week-long, individually-directed, retreats and are currently receiving individual spiritual direction. The application process is more extensive than it is for other, shorter directed retreats and it includes:

  • A completed application form including a personal autobiographical sketch
  • Two recommendations from people who know about the Spiritual Exercises and know the applicant well
  • A personal interview


  • 30-34 weekly sessions, $40/45-60 minute session
Click here to apply for the 19th Annotation Retreat

If you would like to explore the riches of Ignatian spirituality and/or know more about the Spiritual
Exercises, you may find the following links helpful:

If you want to go deeper into the Spiritual Exercises but are not ready for the 19th or 20th Annotation retreat experience, you may want to consider an 8-week experience, a sample of which is described here, and/or contact us for more information.